2001       2002       2003       2004       2005       2006       2007       2008       2009       2010       2011       2012
7. January:

Attended MONTI BETONs sold out Elvis Night – as part of the audience, mind you – at the Orpheum in Vienna, 22nd district. I requested he sing a song of my choice, „Mary in the Morning", in exchange however – and this was neither planned nor rehearsed – I then was asked to sing his favorite song, "It?s Now or Never", the only accompaniment being provided by Monti Beton?s alter ego Toni Matosic on the acoustic guitar. The audience at the Orpheum held its breath in suspense and then rewarded our performance with thunderous applause! What a superb event! An amazing feeling! Thank you Tom and Toni!!!

End of March:

The first actual album, ”Selected Songs”, recorded at the World Boogie Champion HANNES JARIC's studios in only 7 1/2 hours. I think it's worth listening to – but decide for yourselves!

8. April:

Another FTD-Event in Schwechat met with crowd-pulling success; the number of tenors decreased from 5 to 4. The “Voices of Elves” now were Tom Schreiber, Ronnie T., Ronnie G. and J.D. Stud, photos

July / August:

Website was under construction!

15. July:

The Original Vienna Brothers performed at the inauguration ceremony of the garden belonging to the Rodaunerhof, a building of which the interior still is in need of renovation. Thankfully, the weather was nice, which in turn had a positive effect on the atmosphere.

14. August:

Special guest performance in the “Little Memphis” band at the opening event of the Elvis Week at the Gasometer Hollywood Megaplex.

2. September:

Private event (birthday).

10. September:

The Original Vienna Brothers performed as the feature band of a town festival in Perchtoldsdorf and once again demonstrated that Rhythm, Blues & Rock „n? Roll is far from being dead. Once again the crowd loved the show, photos

14. October:

At the FTD Elvis Event in Schwechat the „4 voices of Elvis“ once again delighted the audience. The entire concert program has to be given credit for an entertaining evening and a relaxed atmosphere. An event that deserves being organized over again…

16. October:

The lighting in the auditorium dimmed, the air was heavy with some 10,000 volts, the sound of music pulsed in the rafters of the legendary RATPACK - two figures wearing dark suits and sun glasses burst onto stage to the tune of "Can't Turn You Loose" – the Blues Brothers Show with the Original Vienna Brothers was under way. The audience was mesmerized from beginning to end, but the individual solos also garnered remarkable applause. Encores were played that hadn?t even been planned and the concert continued far beyond the scheduled duration. If you missed this great event, you might still have a chance to experience this type of atmosphere: News

4. November:

HANNES JARIC and my humble self bring an incredible atmosphere to the dance café Monokel with a three-hour performance. People danced and twisted like in old times. The combination of Hannes Jaric/Ronnie T. can be considered promising. One thing is sure: there still are great things in store for the future… News

6. November:

The Original Vienna Brothers Show at the RATPACK was another outstanding success, Chris and I were in a great mood and the audience could feel the energy that was coming from stage. The energy soon spread to the spectators and jolted them into excitement. An impressive concert and a marvelous audience!!!

25. November:

Private event (Xmas party).

17. December:

Christmas show called Weihnachtsspäschl at the SPEKTAKEL; the idea for this event came from CHRISTA URBANEK and featured numerous surprise guests who are well-known as cabaret performers (including my humble self), the entrance fee was determined using a dice…, and the net proceeds from the event supported the "Schlafsäcke für Obdachlose" (= sleeping bags for the homeless) program and benefited children with a very rare sickness called Mucopolysaccharidoses!!! The show started at 6 PM. For photos go to www.rauschfreirecords.at (online around the middle of January 2007).